Friday, July 11, 2008

My presentation!!! (May 13th)

Today it was my turn to present "Troubled Teenagers at School" along with Marlene Toro and Maria Rios, my friends.

I truly believed we did a good presentation with the concise information about the topic, our pronunciation was clear and the language we used, was very easy to understand... which I think my classmates did.

What I didn't like was the fact we wanted to show the class a video about troubled teens but something happen with the computer that didn't allow us to do it... It was a shame because it was a pretty good video that showed how "normal" these teenagers are.

Anyway, we made some mistakes in the worksheet we gave out classmates, but this can happen right? not everyone is perfect, and we're learning... that's why we're at school for LOL.

After the presentations we went to the English Laboratory to keep updated with what it's happening in the world. This, I think, it's very useful because we live inside a society and this society is part of a big community call world, were every single thing that affects the world will eventually ended up affecting us... as a country and as part of this chilean society.

I know sometimes can be not some fun to watch news or read the newspapers, we let's face it... an uninformed person is someone that doesn't even know where he or she is and that doesn't have an opinion about anything, but we, as future teacher, must be informed about the world and about education (that changes constantly) and to have an opinion... a good one, were we can show off that we know and that we care about what other's think and about what it's happening outside this far away country called Chile.