Friday, July 11, 2008

Classroom Managment (April 22nd)

After 4 months of being away from Chile, this was the first class of the year and the first time I met Mr. Litman. It was a placer to meet you! as you told me when you were doing the roll call.

My classmates had to make a presentation about different topics, and today it was Classroom Managment. I must say I liked the presentation a lot because the information was appropiated, very clear and easy to understand. Besides my classmates were informed about the topic and they knew how to manage, not only the information, but also the class.

We were also discussing about some gramatical issues, how sometimes we confused words that are written very similar but that they mean something different. And I think this kind of discussions are very important because, for us students of English and not native speakers, it's so easy to get confused at the moment of writing when we use these similar words; not sometimes when we're speaking because if the pronunciation is the same it will only depend on the context and we won't get confused, but when we have to write something it's vital to know the difference in spelling and in meaning, in orden not to confuse ourserlves and the reader of our paper.