Being a techer implies different aspects. It is not only about teaching an specific subject, but also about understanding your students and the society they live in.
Nowaday bullying has become a very common problem among different schools. Sometimes these type of actions cause fatal consequences and we, as future teachers, must have at least some conscious about what it's happening with our students and how do they feel.
No one is an expert in dealing with bullying, of course there are specialits that have more knowledge about the topic, but we must try to help too. This is not only the parents' resposability... it's also ours, because we are the one that are helping our students to become somene in the future, we are their role models for life.
Troubled teenagers sometimes are related with bullying but not in all cases. Most of troubled adolescents have deal with drug problems, violence, sexual abuse, alcohol dependency, etc., among other problems, that lead them to have disciplinary problems at school. That's why it's very important that every school have a phsycologist or someone that teenagers can come to everytime they need it, if they want to talk about something that is happening in their lives or to help those kids that are going through tough moments.
But of course our mission as teachers is not only to help our students in every situation apart from teaching our subject, but also we must have some classroom managment too. This means how to have "control" of the class, to know how to use your voice, the classroom space, to know how to arrange the sittings in order to make a productive lessons, etc. We musyt have control of our classroom because otherwise, we are not going to produce anything and students are not going to respect us at all.
Teachers are part of every student's life. Some of them are more important than others, some mark a difference in students' lives and some are not even remembered by them... but the most important thing is to remember that we are here to help them become better person in the future more than acquiring more knowledge into their minds.